It's the season finale of The Acolyte. Actions have consequences for everyone involved with the incident on Brendok. Masters and apprentices are chosen and two big cameos are sure to make fans happy. Lets get into it with this The Acolyte Episode 8 Easter Eggs, breakdown, and recap.
The Acolyte Episode 8 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
Osha is wearing The Stranger's helmet. Osha begins to choke, Qimir reacts, reaching out to her. His eyes go black.
Once the helmet is off, she tells him she saw Mae and that she was killing Sol. He tells her she saw the future, but she knows she can stop Mae. They agree to travel together to see who can get through to Mae first.
Sol's ship is orbiting Brendok. He tells Mae he will call Vernestra there and prove the Vergence is on the planet.
Mae is using PIP to get out of her restraints. Sol regrets not saving them both, but tells her they are not twins or even sisters. But before he says what they are, she stuns him and runs.
Mae takes an escape ship and leaves Sol behind. Sol chases after her and she leads him through an asteroid field. Sol goes to shoot Mae's ship but Bazil stops him. She crashes on Brendok.
On Coruscant, Rayencourt is there to see Vernestra. He is there to question her about the murder investigation she is keeping from the Senate.
He believes the Jedi are a massive system of unchecked power posing as a religion. He's concerned about them repressing emotions and being so restrained. One day, one of them will snap and who will stop him.
Rayencourt has reported her to Senator Drellik.
The Stranger offers to train Osha but she refuses. Mae made the deal with him without even thinking about it.
They leave the planet as Darth Plagueis watches from the shadows. Plagueis is old Sheev Palpatine's master.
Vernestra prepares to go to Brendok. Sol is already there, searching for Mae. Osha and The Stranger arrive as well.
Sol is haunted by voices from the past.
Inside the Fortress, The Stranger and Sol fight. Mae and Osha finally speak to one another. The sisters fight.
Vernestra and the Jedi Knights arrive on Brendok. The Stranger tells Sol they aren't there for him.
Sol destroys The Stranger's lightsaber, but Mae appears and takes Sol's saber and tosses it. The Stranger encourages her to destroy Sol. She refuses, she would rather him confess his crimes to everyone and pay for them.
Sol believes the twins are the same person, created by The Force. He confesses to killing their mother. Osha, who has his lightsaber, heard the confession. She is devastated. He claims to have done what he thought was best for her.
Osha kills Sol, and the Kyber Crystal in his saber turns red. The Stranger goes to her side but she ignites Sol's saber, the blade goes from blue to red.
Vernestra senses The Stranger. She was his Master. She seems surprised he is alive.
Mae tells Osha they need to leave. The girls run, leaving Sol's body behind. Vernestra finds his body and she hears echoes of what happened that night when Osha was saved and Mae was left for dead.
Mae leads Osha through the tunnel she used to escape. The rest of the Jedi are searching the area. Vernestra stays with Sol as The Stranger watches from the shadows.
The girls make it to the Bunta Tree. The Stranger finds them. Osha agrees to go with him if he lets Mae go. He tells her he can wipe Mae's memory so she won't be able to lead the Jedi to them. The sisters agree.
Mae is taken into custody by the Jedi and brought back to Coruscant. Vernestra tells the Senators what happened on Brendok. She blames Sol for everything that happened.
Vernestra wants Mae's help finding The Stranger, who was her pupil before he turned evil. The Stranger and Osha hold the lightsaber together.
The Acolyte episodes 1-8 are now streaming on Disney+.
That was Darth Plagueis. Not Tenebrous.
thanks for the correction!