You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? Truth is in the eye of the beholder. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. When in doubt tell the truth.
A lot of quotes about truth are floating around out there in the world. Makes me wonder, if something is so important to all of us why do we often run away from it? Why do we hide behind it or try to mask it with layers upon layers of fiction?
God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another -William Shakespeare
It is an important virtue we learn in life and teach to our children. I've never met someone who said oh I don't want you to tell me the truth, it's cool if everything you said is a lie. I promise not to feel hurt and confused by all of it. Yeah no. When you are in relationships with people you want the truth. So why is it so hard for us to tell the truth? I'm not saying we go around lying about everything, but when we put on masks to hide the “real me” that's a lie. It can be scary to show ourselves for who we really are, believe me I'm with you. Last week I wrote a post about the first time I saw my daughter on the sonogram screen. That was an emotional one for me, remembering the fear of the results and reliving the feelings of being pregnant as a young woman. It was also hard because a lot of the people who read that post did not know my daughter was conceived before my husband and I were married. I use to think, I'm not ashamed of my past, it brought me to my present, but I never volunteered that information, ever. After writing that post and hitting send, I let out a huge sigh and then panic gripped me. Now the truth was out there on the glorious internet and there was no going back, no putting that layer back on to protect myself. I let the cursor hover over the trash icon…no I told myself it is done, let the pieces fall where they may.
Despite my worries, I received a lot of positive feedback and encouragement. Later on, a close friend of mine told me that my post inspired her. What? How? Pfft really? She has an amazing testimony to her life, but she has been afraid to go too much into her back story because no one knows all of what she went through. Reading my confession and knowing how hard that was on me encouraged her that it's ok to share your life. Our struggles we overcome speak volumes into the lives of those around us. If my life's story can help one person in this huge world it will be worth it.
The mask of my daughter's conception is not the only one I wear. Even though I laid that one aside, I am still working up the courage to let go of the rest. Each time I write, a little more of the real me comes out. And one day all the layers I have put on will be gone. I will be standing there in front of everyone just as God made me. My story is ever changing as I grow and learn. But, I promise to continue on my journey with the truth. Tabloids are for being fake, here at Teachable Mommy, I promise to be real.
I created a board on Pinterest about different quotes about truth, friendship, and overcoming. Enjoy!
When I taught preschool I would tell my students that if they told the truth while they would fare better than if they lied, even if they broke the rules. I love your honesty and great mommy tips. Keep bringing the truth..great for grown ups and preschoolers.