Last weekend I attended the Bump Club and Beyond Baby Gear show at Nordstrom. Not only did I learn about some of the amazing brands/innovations out there for babies, seriously where was this stuff 6 years ago? but I got to interview the one and only Jamie Grayson aka The Baby Guy NYC. He was the MC, host of the show and who would ever have guessed a guy to be so knowledgable about all things baby?! He had everyone laughing and learning all at the same time!
As a fan of the Bump Club, I was happy they finally came to my neck of the woods, in the burbs of DC to host an event. Bump Club and Beyond is the largest social event company in the nation for moms and moms-to-be. They host premier events in cities across the US every month!
Nordstrom was a great place to host the event. It is one of my favorite places to shop because their customer service is outstanding and their staff knows their department. I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into the store with a specific need/question and how quick I was helped. Nordstrom's baby gear area is the perfect place to try out the products before you buy and ask as many questions as a mom-to-be can think of!
On to the gear! First up was carseats. This Nuna seat has a base with a rigid latch so you don't have to climb into it, slam your knee down, and tear up your hands to get it to latch. Again I ask you where was this when I needed it?
The Uppa Baby stroller is really popular right now. You can switch it around, make it a double, and it folds down without a struggle. Also for any jogging stroller, make sure your baby is old enough for it. You should not be jogging before your baby has head control. Ask your pediatrician first!
The really cool high chair in this picture is the Stokke Trip Trap which can support weight up to 300lbs. Jamie likes that it has a truly adjustable footrest so the kids are more comfortable at the table. I like that this high chair pushes right up to the table, which means the kiddos are more part of the eating process and it takes up less space. Win-win!
I also learned baby wearing is not that deep. Don't make it complicated. Also when your kid is fussy or crazy it's called parenting and it's a great gig. Like I said, so many laughs!
Jamie is a laid back, hilarious guy. When I saw that he has Starbucks in hand I knew we would be instant friends.
1. What was it about baby stuff that hooked you, made you say that's what I want to do?
I always knew I wanted to teach eventually. This kinda combines that with the performance part. When I would leave for a show commitment I would get messages on my personal Facebook page asking for my help. So I knew I was good at this and people responded to me.
2. Tell me about your show, Jamie Grayson's Baby Gear Guide.
It is hosted on Ulive and is like Hulu streaming for HGTV, Food Network, etc. I have several shows up there and hope to film more.
3. You have had a lot of jobs and a lot of fun, what stands out to you the most?
My favorite moment is when I meet someone that has followed me and I've interacted with for years. It's really cool. It is also still strange for me to be recognized out in public. What I love most about this job is being able to help my friends out. I was a struggling drama student, living pay check to paycheck, this way I can help them out and I get cute babies to review the products with me.
Check out my YouTube channel for the complete video of the event! It was originally a Periscope broadcast, so if you aren't following me on there you can find me @Irishred02!
For more about Bump Club and Beyond visit their website and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.
For more about Jamie visit BabyGuyGearGuide and connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.
This post is sponsored by Bump Club. All opinions are my own, especially the ones about why didn't we have this cool stuff when my babies were babies.
I have THREE sisters in law who are pregnant right now and they stuff they have out for babies now amazes me. Stuff has come a long way.
I still love all of the baby gear, even though I’m done producing them 🙂
Wait a minute… we don’t have to wrestle with car seats anymore?!?
I have permanently bruised knees from trying to get them tight enough.
With the day home I have 4 car seats in use and they always need to be tightened.
Looks like this evening was super informative. I am amazed as well at the products that are now available ! Some of the items I see I always think – not why didn’t they have this when I was having babies!
Sounds very informative! Looks like they offer a wide range of baby items.
Looks like this evening was great I always love hearing about baby products and how they moved forward, it always make me think: why didn’t they have this when I was having babies!
It’s great when guys are knowledgeable about these types of things. It looked like it was an informative yet fun Event
I’m a huge fan of the baby guy so I’m slightly jealous. Would love to have attended!
What a fun event. I loved going to these when I was expecting. And I love the baby guy!
That’s such a cool gig that he has! That Uppa jogging stroller is so cool.
My moms group goes crazy over baby gear. Love that latch system
I agree with Laura. And baby items have come such a long way. A big hurrah for it too.
What a fun event. Those items look really nice. My sister would love the Uppa jogging stroller.
That is a cool event and interview. Like that chair.