Imagine the possibilities of not having to grocery shop. You wouldn't have to fight crowds on the weekends, battle your kids to just walk nicely beside the cart, or deal with the rudeness that comes out in people in the parking lot. If you could skip all that craziness, leaving more time for fun things would you? I know I would! Enter Peapod the nation's first and leading online grocery store.
With Peapod we can do things we want to do like movie nights or pool dates instead of schlepping to the store. It is a simple, quick, and convenient. Choose to have your groceries delivered or pick them up yourself depending on your area.
So easy the kids can do it! Place your order online via the website or use the Peapod app. I started my list on their website, then the kids added more through the iPad app, and I finalized and placed the order on the website.
I selected store pickup and it gave me days and times to choose. When it was time I pulled up, called the number on the sign and within 30 seconds the attendant came out. He grabbed my stuff, loaded it in the back of my SUV and I was done. The whole process took less than 5 minutes. I know it sounds too good to be true but it's not. It really is that simple!
Peapod carries a lot of my favorite organic and natural brands. I could even order a local farm box, a new offering from Peapod that is a convenient alternative to committing to a season-long Community Sustainable Agriculture (CSA) farm share. It’s a low-cost and flexible way for consumers to support local farmers while enjoying the convenience of home delivery and the freshest, in-season produce! Inside the box is an information sheet about where your farm box came from and a recipe idea.
Ready to change the way you grocery shop? Peapod and I want to give you the opportunity to try it out!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This post is sponsored by Peapod. All opinions are my own.
I’d rather be outside enjoying the nice weather.
I would rather clean the whole kitchen than grocery shop. Peapod looks like a great grocery service. I have to enter this giveaway.
I love Peapod. I use it all the time for grocery shopping.
I’ve never used Peapod but we do have the option locally and I think it’s fantastic. Just fantastic. I hope to try it out soon!
As for what I’d rather do than grocery shop? Ride bikes!
I’ve never used it! I think it seems like a great service! I hope to get a chance to try it!! Thank you for sharing it!
I would rather be playing with my children
We have looked into grocery service and honestly on those days when it’s cold and crappy out I would rather someone else do it 🙂
This would be a great time saver. I know there are times when I wished I could click a few buttons and groceries would just show up at my house.
I would rather visit my grandson.
I would rather do anything than grocery shop – I hate going up and down the isles. I entered your giveaway.
Wow. That sounds so handy. I wished they serviced our area.
I think this sounds amazing. I don’t believe we have this in my area but I think it would be so useful!
I would rather bring my kids to the park or make crafts!
I would rather relax at home with my family! Our lives are so busy, I don’t want to waste time grocery shopping!
This would be a God send for me. I hate, no, I despise going to the grocery store and wading through endless crowds of people, getting run over and bumped into everywhere. I hate having to run all over the place to find the best deals. I think this is a great idea!
I love groceries and grocery shopping and would love to win this.
Sounds like a great service. There are many of the items that I use for my family.
Instead of grocery shopping, I would rather spend more time enjoy the summer at the beach. Peapod will help me with that.
I’d rather be entering contests than grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping online? Sign me up! I do practically all my other shopping online. Ha!
I would catch up on tv shows or read a book
I’d rather be reading a book!
I would rather be at home in the air conditioning relaxing.
I woukd rather do anything then grocery shop including going to work. Peapod woukd be perfect!
I would rather be playing with the kiddos or blogging than grocery shopping!
I’d rather get a pedicure.
I rather go to the beach.
Take a great workout class!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Take my kids to play somewhere. A Park, the pool, anything!
I would rather spend time with my daughter than grocery shop
Work on electronic projects.
I would rather read than grocery shop. Unless of course it’s shopping by myself, then it’s like a vacation!