I'm back from Star Wars Celebrations and wow what an amazing experience. It is a MUST for Star Wars fans, young and old. I will be sharing more about the celebration itself later, but I thought you might want some Star Wars The Last Jedi updates! *Insert cheering here*
One of the most anticipated panels of the celebration was The Last Jedi. Duh. We made our way into the room, speculating what exactly they would share. Some set pics, maybe tiny nuggets of info, and of course we all waited on baited breath, would they bring the teaser? The panel did not disappoint.
Watch highlights from The Last Jedi panel. Including the moments when we first saw the poster, the trailer, and we get a look at some exclusive set photos! Plus is Rey a Skywalker? Does BB-8 know who the last Jedi is? Does Luke finally talk or is it just voiceover work for Mark Hamill?
I'm glad to be typing this instead of videoing it because my voice is still gone from this one!
What we know about The Last Jedi
Meeting your heroes might not be what you expect
Luke is vital in this film
Finn has a choice to make, will he be a part of the resistance or will he continue to run
Finn and Poe's friendship will continue to develop
BB-8 has a lot of great moments, because you can never have too much BB-8
Carrie Fisher rocked her role and helped develop dialogue in the film
Starkiller Base was a big loss but they did take out the seat of the Republic and that has thrown the galaxy into chaos, something they are jumping on to take advantage. Things are going to get dire.
New characters, including Rose
December 15th cannot come soon enough
The Teaser, because yesssss!
This new poster gives us a lot of feels. The Jedi Order symbol, Rey, Luke, Kylo Ren, and a whole lot of red. What could it mean? I have some theories, but I will have to wait until December to find out if any are correct.
So excited for this film!! The Force Awakens went beyond my expectations, so I can’t wait to see what this movie brings to the big screen.
Oh we are so excited to see this!!!!! Every new film just blows us away!
We are huge Start Wars fans. I was so excited to see the new trailer for The Last Jedi. Thanks for the updates.
I’m definitely going to see this one. It’s good to finally get a peek at what might be in the movie. They’ve been pretty quiet about it.
I am so excited for this new film and yet a wee bit sad after the loss of Princess Leia. However, the force lives on.
You are sooooo lucky! We cannot wait for December. Thanks for sharing the sneak peek. We just got Rogue One on video but we are still counting the days…
I am SO excited for this movie. I saw the trailer yesterday and it looks like it’s going to be awesome.
Excited to see this! I am going to share this article with my teen who loves Star Wars!
I am a die hard Star Wars fan. I am so looking forward to the next installment.
My husband is like a kid when it comes to Star Wars and speaking of he’s one of the most excited to see this and already telling me his assumptions of what’s going to happen. :p
It’s funny because I’m not a declared Star Wars fan, yet every time one is on, I’m totally glued. I must say my entire household is beyond excited about the new one. I’m sure I’ll get totally sucked in too 😜
Sounds like a great movie. How cool to have a panel discussion with these movie heroes.
Wow! This must be a cant-wait-to-see movie for Star Wars fans out there. That trailer is killing it.
I am SO excited to see this. My daughter is too. She wants Rey to kick butt.
Seems like you had an amazing time at the Celebration! I’ve been all that into the story, but my daughter LOVES Star Wars. She got into it as something she could share with her dad, and is definitely looking forward to seeing the new movie when it comes out.
I know so many people that are counting down for this to come out! I love hearing any behind the scenes things and stories about the actors or characters they play.
Dude, I’m SO excited For this movie. Thanks for filling us in on everything that’s going on behind the scenes. December can’t come fast enough!
Sorry, not a Star Wars fan, maybe th eonly one in the world lol) but glad to see al the hype for this coming one. Great trailer though.
Umm yes, yes, and yes. I am beyond excited for this!
I cannot wait for this movie. I think I’m more excited than anyone else in my family lol! I’m already counting down until the release!
December is WAY too far away!!! We love Star Wars so much in our house! My husband has some serious theories about this movies. He is a die hard fan.
How exciting! I can’t wait for more BB-8, he’s my favorite. Now I’m going to have to wait on pins and needles until the movie is out!
I am not what you would call a star wars fan but since Carrie Fishers passing I have wanted to see more films with her in so I would love to check it. The trailer is good
I cannot wait to see the movie in December. I would also enjoy watching all the movies again to see what I have missed from the first time.
Oh my! will definitely share this awesome news to a die hard starwars fan friend of mine. Pretty awesome trailer!
I want to watch it however, am saving it to watch with my Dada..but thanks for your highlights! Am excited.
Woa! I smell a nerdy mom! LOVEEE IT! I am so excited for this film as well. Of course. I am a nerdy girl too!
I’ve loved Star Wars from the beginning. My kids think I’m the biggest nerd on the planet.
I’m really glad to hear that Carrie Fisher played an integral part of developing her last role for the franchise. I am so sorry that she is gone. She will be sorely missed.
I’m quite hesitant to read on this post because I thought there will be spoilers haha. I’m a big Star Wars fan too and I love it since childhood. Excited to see the upcoming movie this December!
M husband has been begging me to pick this up. Eventually I will, I’m just not into Star Wars.
I cannot wait to discover the identity (Parentage) of Rey. I also cannot wait to see who the sith lord really is! I am soooooo excited! Thank you for sharing.
I feel like me and my family would love this! Will definately have to check it out!