During the #PiratesLifeEvent we visited the Walt Disney Animation Studios. Touring Walt Disney's Office was a special treat for this Disney kid!
One of the things I love about Disney is their attention to detail. It doesn't matter if you are at the parks, watching a movie, or lounging on one of their cruise ships, they truly think of everything. This project was no different. The team spent months, meticulously putting Walt's office together the way it had been when he last used it. The furniture, carpet, knick-knacks, even the pencils were placed just so.
“Both of us were unemployed and neither could get a job. We solved the problem by going into business for ourselves. We established the first animated cartoon studio in Hollywood.” -Walt Disney
Walking up the stairs to suite 3H you could just feel the energy and creativity. Man, if those walls could talk! Although they can't, Kevin, a Disney archivist, was on hand to tell us all about Walt's office, the restoration process, and answer any questions we might have.
Secretary's Office
Walt's secretary continued to work out of this office until her retirement.
Did you know?
Walt received 960 awards and citations during his lifetime. More than 170 of those were given to him by people and countries from around the world.
Formal Office
Walt held his appointments with important guests visiting the studios inside this office. There he also signed letters to fans and business associates from around the world.
This grand piano has seen legendary composers like the Sherman brothers, sit down to play new scores. I can only imagine what it must have been like hearing the chords of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious drifting down the hallway.
Fun Fact: The gold-caged automaton bird is what inspired Walt to develop Audio-Animatronics technology.
“I believe in being an innovator.” -Walt Disney
Working Office
This was a busy space. From meetings with producers, directors, writers, and others, to reading scripts, the working office was home to much of the inspiration that drove the company's projects.
“Get a good idea, and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done, and done right.” – Walt Disney
Just look at those original plans for Disneyland!
“There’s really no secret about our approach. We keep moving forward—opening up new doors and doing new things—because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We’re always exploring and experimenting. At WED, we call it Imagineering—the blending of creative imagination with technical know-how.” -Walt Disney
Walt's Office is a permanent exhibit that honors a man whose work continues to touch people all around the world. Suite 3H was the heart for creativity from 1940 until Walt's death in 1966. It was an honor to see this in person.
Thank you Walt for all your hard work, for believing in your dreams, and inspiring others, like myself, to pursue ours.
I was invited by Disney for a special press trip to share my experience of Pirates with my readers. All opinions are my own.
How cool was that? It’s crazy to think of all the amazing films and iconic characters he created in that space.
WOW, I am just speechless. thank you for this look into the world of a man I truly admire. I am beyond grateful to get to see this. I am just in awe. Thank you so much for making my day.
Such a cool tour to be sure! Is it in California and is it open to the public for tours? Walt’s office tour reminds me of Truett Cathy’s office tour. Two very successful businessmen. They both surround themselves with inspiration in their office and made time to answer mail from fans and greet visitors.
I can only imagine the beautiful music that piano has played!
Now isn’t that neat!
Is this something you have to be invited to go and see or can anyone just go and see Walt’s office?
Granted, I wouldn’t want to take the kids but I would love to see what books he found interesting.
I love it! You can really get a sense of someone from being in their space. I’m sure there was lots of energy in that room!
What an amazing experience! I bet it was super exciting to be there!
I’ve seen “behind-the-scenes” of many Disney attractions, but never his office. Yes, I agree – their attention to detail is phenomenal. I was talking to my husband about that tonight. I went to Disney every day for 3 years. Every time I went, I saw something I hadn’t seen before. There is just so many small details.
This is magical. So much history here. Did you go alone?
How cool! I had the opportunity to tour Walt Disney’s Office not too long ago and had a blast! I’m glad you had so much fun!
How cool is that?! We’re pass holders and total Disney nuts! I would love to do this sometime!
Thanks for the peek inside his office! It must’ve been so cool to tour it.
{insert scream} That sounds like so much fun! I would love the chance to tour his office. Such great photos!
What a great experience! This would be a really neat opportunity to see this.
Oh my goodness how utterly amazing is it that you got to tour Walt Disney’s office, that is definitely something I would love to do myself one day. Such an amazing area.
Wow! I would have loved to tour the office where the “man himself” worked! What a great opportunity. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
We are big Disney fans and love to visit Disney, however, I didn’t realize you could tour Walt Disney’s office This was so interesting and I’m so glad you shared this!
Must be so nice to learn about his life, his history, how it all started! A perfect tour for any disney fan! xx corinne
What an awesome opportunity for a Disney fan – an experience of a lifetime! It’s beyond cool that you had a chance to visit Walt Disney’s office. From viewing his office decor in your photos it looks like he was a very humble man. Thank you for sharing this very unique experience with all of us!
Oh my goodness! That is so cool! As a fellow Disney Fan, I am super jealous!
I personally have never been to anything Disney related. That tour looks like an amazing experience.
So cool!! I’ve always wanted to see behind the scenes at Disney! Thanks allowing us to see through your eyes.
What a fantastic place to visit, he was such an innovative man and the films he created have really stood the test of time.
What an awesome adventure. I would have looked like a child with my mouth wide open in awe. Disney has always held a special place in my heart just like so many others! Thank you for sharing your photos so that I can live vicariously thru you!
This would be so neat to see. I love to Disney, so seeing Walt’s office would be an experience.
I would love to go on a tour of Walt Disneys office. You got some great photos. I will have to arrange a tour the next time I am there.
I think that that office is so magical and full of magic and dreams! I love it
Now that is a cool trip! To see the original plans to what it is now, amazing! And loving those motivational quotes
So many great ideas came from that very office. To this day the cycle of Disney filters from each generation! SO inspiring!
I am so jealous. It looks absolutely amazing. Just knowing the things Disney did and how he created. Where the magic really began. That is so awesome. Looks like you had a great time.
Wow. That’s so cool! Thank you for the behind the scenes tour. :p
My sis is a Disney fanatic and she would love this. Sharing this with her.