Do your kids go crazy over STEM activities? Mine do. Now that school is out I have been looking for STEM Summer fun to do at home. Thanks to Best Buy I didn't have to look very far. Best Buy carries products from basic learning games to advanced toys designed to stimulate a child's mind in the STEM areas, helping them develop logic and problem solving skills. One of those products is the Jimu Robot Buzzbot and Muttbot Kit.
STEM Summer Fun
This kit allows kids to create a custom-built robot complete with moving arms and legs! Super cool! The kids couldn't wait to get building. Together, with a little help from Mommy and Daddy, they put together their Buzzbot and named him Kionno.
Start to finish the project took about a hour or so. The Jimu App made it easy to put together our Buzzbot. The app has detailed building instructions, allowing you to rotate the image to really get a feel for where pieces need to be placed.
The pieces snap together by hand, no tools required. The pieces are easy for children and adults to snap into place. A tool is also included just incase a piece gets stuck!
It is also a great activity to work on as a family.
Within the Jimu Robot App, your child can choose from preprogrammed movements or they can create their own sequences to make Buzzbot or Muttbot the coolest Robot on the block!
This adorable little robot and all Jimu Robots are environmentally friendly, durable, and safe for children.
Once it was put all together it was time to see what this Robot could do!
I can't say that the Jimu Robot Buzzbot and Muttbot Kit will cure sibling bickering this Summer, but ours didn't even disagree about who could go first. They took turns, played together, and shared the robot without any ah encouragment from their Dad and I.
Get your Jimu Robot Buzzbot and Muttbot Kit at a Best Buy near you!
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
Michele Pappagallo
What a wonderful toy! I wish these had been available when my kids were younger. Thanks for making me aware of this great company…now I will have ideas for my grandbabies!
Sylvie Hanes
Amazing the toys that are out there for kids today. Wish I had those when I was younger, I might have realized programming was something I liked a lot earlier than in college. Thanks for sharing
Jen groom
I love all the STEM projects! My son and I love doing fun summer activities. Thanks for the idea!
Amber Myers
Yes, my daughter loves STEM! She would have so much fun making a robot. I’ll have to pick this up.
I’m new to STEM activities, but I love the hands-on learning. I didn’t know that Best Buy sells STEM toys, I’ll have to go check them out! Such a cute little robot!
robin rue
These are such fun ideas. My boys are so into STEM!!
Stephanie Jeannot
Educational games are the best and I like that you can find them at convenient locations. And what fun to be able to create things like robots, etc. Puts that fun into learning. I like that.
Laurie Floyd
I never knew Best Buy had these!! I now know what I will be getting my grandson for his birthday!! He will absolutely love it!!
Sarah Bailey
Now that is one cool looking toy, I love how they are making things fun and educational these days! Wish it had been around more when I was a child.
Blair villanueva
Looks cool! Kids nowadays enjoys awesome educational toys. I bet my little sistet will go gaga for this.
Carrie Chance
Looks cool! Kids nowadays enjoys awesome educational toys. I bet my little sistet will go gaga for this.
Heather Johnson
As a homeschooling mom, I am all about STEM toys and projects. I will have to look into this guy in the future.
Heather Lawrence
Love the coding part of this activity.
My son would totally love it!
The Brainy Mama
I can’t wait for my son to grow up. He’s only 4 months old now and I know it will be a long way before he can try this out. I myself would love this activity.
This looks awesome! Our kids love to build things, so I may have to look into a Stem.
I want to build a robot!! Lol STEM kits are getting better and better. It’s nice to know I can find one at my local Best Buy. I may have to treat myself ๐
Ha! You cracked me up when you said you couldn’t say that it would prevent sibling bickering. Ah, if only there were a cure to that. Thanks for the information on this product, though. My eldest daughter loves these kinds of activities. How cute is it that you get to make a muttbot too?
My kids would love this! They are so into STEM and I haven’t seen anything like this before!
I love the idea of these toys, they aid learning, hand and eye co-ordination and problem solving. All good,
How cool! I think the best thing about this is that the children are learning a skill and not knowing it because it’s a fun interactive activity. Way to go, mom!
My son loves STEM activities. This would great for our Summer fun box!
how cool is this, i have to admit the toys that kids have access to now are way cooler than the ones that existed when I was younger not only that but they also are more than just toys.
Liz Mays
I love that this introduces those coding concepts in a fun and interactive way. It must be so satisfying for them to see their lines of code in action.
Rebecca Bryant
STEM toys are awesome. I wish they had these toys when son was little I come have saved a lot of money on radios and cd players as the son was always taking those apart.
oh i know that this is something that my son would love! Stem toys are so awesome! Kids don’t even realize that they are learning!
Lois Alter Mark
This is awesome! It’s so great when kids can have fun while actually learning and not realize how educational the toy is! My son would have loved this when he was younger!
This looks so fun! My kids love STEM activities!
This looks like so much fun. I have to look this up and see if this is a thing I can use for my work. Great idea for sneaking in some coding during those loooong summer months!
Ophelia Tang
I love these kinds of toys. I would definitely get one for my little brother. Thanks for posting.
XOXO //SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger
liz Cleland
My son is all about learning through creations. I love having him build things and adding some science or technology in with it.
Star Traci
Oh my goodness! This looks so fun. I think my both my 13yo boy and 10yo girl would enjoy this together. Those moments are all too rare!
This looks a fun activity for kids. These toys will definitely make them think.. They will enjoy too..
OMG that is so cool! I definitely want to get one of these for my son when he is a bit older. I love that they have something to keep that they have made from scratch. I will be looking at their website to see what else they have
Ana De- Jesus
Now this is a unique way to spend your holiday and I am sure that the kids would not get bored either. I like the sound of the buzzbot x