As you may have guessed by now, I am pretty adamant about eating healthy and living well. This is important to me not just for my own health but the health of my entire family. I am always searching for new healthy foods and protein bars are especially on my radar. As a mom of little ones, I am constantly on the go, practically living off protein bars for breakfast or snacks. They are great to keep you going when you have a ton of errands to run!
I am so excited to share with you all about thinkThin® Protein and Crunch bars. Whether your choose to go with the protein or crunch bars you can't go wrong. thinkThin® Protein bars are made with 0g sugar, 20g protein, and are gluten free! thinkThin® Crunch bars are made with 60% less sugar and 2x more protein than leading fruit and nut bars, also gluten free!
Honestly, I was not sure what I thought about 0g of sugar. I am a southern tea drinking, sweet tooth, kinda girl. But, like I tell my children, you have to try something before you can judge it. A little insight into me, I am a white chocolate fanatic, from candy bars to my latte. Naturally, I chose the “White Chocolate dipped mixed nuts” thinkThin® crunch bar to try first.
First off, I loved how I could see the nuts, they weren't hiding or so finely chopped that I had to wonder if they were really there. Secondly, I had this after a Zumba workout at the gym and it definitely silenced my roaring appetite. I usually eat light before Zumba, and by the time I get home I feel ravenous. This bar was not only delicious but it hit the spot for sure.
The other day, I was out running errands (shocker!) and threw the thinkThin® Blueberry crunch bar in the diaper bag. I knew I would eventually get hungry and sure enough it hit me when I was driving from one store to another. Of course I forgot I had it with me and started thinking I should grab something at the next store. Thankfully, I remembered I had it! It satisfied my hunger pains and I felt good knowing I had something healthy to snack on.
My favorite protein bar was the thinkThin® Creamy Peanut Butter. I definitely put it to the test this past weekend with my daughter's 6th birthday party. I was busy with planning, hosting, and losing my mind! I grabbed the bar and with 20g of protein, I felt full and ready to take on my daughter's birthday party.
thinkThin® also has a brownie crunch bar which came in a close second for me. Brownies are one of my favorite desserts, and well anything else chocolate! I love eating something that is not only good for me but makes me feel like I also treated myself. What more could a girl want?
I am thrilled to give you the chance to try out these healthy and delicious bars! Ten (10) winners will receive one (1) Weight Wellness Sampler – 2 thinkThin® Protein Bars & 2 thinkThin® Crunch Bars
Here is how to enter:
1. To enter into the thinkThin® thinkWellness Giveaway, you MUST like Think Products on Facebook and follow @thinkproducts on twitter (2 entries)
2. Like Teachable Mommy on Facebook (1 entry)
3. Follow Me on Twitter (1 entry)
4. Leave a comment on this blog post sharing: How Do You Live Healthy and Create Wellness in Your Life? (1 entry)
5. Tweet about this Giveaway: Win the thinkThin thinkWellness giveaway!RT & Follow @thinkproducts & @Irishred02 2 win #weightwellness #thinkwellness (unlimited entries)
6. Leave a comment for each action you do, and please include your twitter handle/facebook name so that your entries can be verified.
Winners will be chosen on March 19th 2012 and announced via Facebook and Twitter.
Open to US residents only
A little more information about thinkThin®:
thinkThin® founder Lizanne Falsetto is recognized as a spokesperson for the natural food industry. CEO, mom and entrepreneur, she has a deep knowledge and understanding of nutrition and its role in health and a vibrant fulfilling lifestyle.
Our intention is to be an ingredient of a day lived well and to positively impact the lives of those who interact with our brand, inspiring focus on simple, delicious, nutritious food. Our desire is to become change agents in the endemic destruction of weight and poor nutrition related diseases in our country.
*I was provided with product in hopes that I would write a honest review. No monetary compensation was received and the opinions are all mine
susie schexnaydre
Hi Teachable mommy,
I liked you on Facebook. Look for me, my name is Susie Schexnaydre on there.
susie schexnaydre
Hi Teachable Mommy,
I’ve like Think Thin of Facebook too! I love those bars. I eat them for lunch at work often.
susie schexnaydre
I am following Think Thin on Twitter. My handle is SueSchex! I enjoy reading everything they have to say.
susie schexnaydre
Hi Teachable Mommy,
I am following you on Twitter now too! I am so excited to have someone new tweets to read. Maybe you give me the encouragement to lose those stubborn 15 pounds.
susie schexnaydre
Let see how to do I create wellness and live healthy in my life…
I have become a fanatic about nutrition and exercise in the last year and a half. I make sure that I am eating right foods and getting enough protein. I’m drink plenty of water and work hard doing cardio and weights at the gym. The time spent at the gym is my “me time”. It allows me think and relieve the stress of my day.
I follow think products on facebook!
I follow think products on twitter as well!!
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I follow teachable mommy on twitter!
I live healthy and create wellness by doing physical activities I enjoy: running and dancing!!
I just tweeted 🙂
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I try to live healthy by keeping to “everything in moderation”
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Tweeted today!!!!
Just tweeted one again! 😉
Debra Lee
I like Think Thin on Facebook under Easily Distracted Debra
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Debra Lee
To be healthier only water and no bread served with meals!
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Jordan D.
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Jordan D.
I create wellness in my life by exercising vigorously three days a week and making sure I keep moving on my rest days. I also try to maintain a clean diet.
Debra Lee
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I followed you on twitter. Kelli0828
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I create wellness by packing my lunch and eating a think thin bar every morning!