Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to all the new sisters and good luck to all the Mamavation Mom applicants 🙂 I'm excited to see everyone start their journeys and the rest of us keep it going strong!
Over the holidays I kept my junk eating to a minimum. Despite having endless amounts of options and the ever so helpful friends/family saying “it's Christmas just eat it!” I stayed true to my eating habits. I only indulged a bit on some chocolates, but they were UNREAL so I don't think that is too too bad!
My plans for this year when it comes to my health are to stick with what we have been doing over the past year. I want us to be able to completely switch over to organic and Non-GMO Project verified everything. The last thing on my list is our meats. Sometimes it is just too hard to find non astronomically priced organic meat. If you have a suggestion, I am all ears! Although I was bummed not to be chosen for the Omron challenge, that will not deter me from kicking butt and taking names.
Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? How do you plan on making them a reality and not just wishful thinking?
*This post is sponsored by Schick Intuition and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway
Way to stay on track during the holidays…. I did well until Christmas and then I went off track. I am back on board now, though 🙂