Spend anytime around here and you know I am a big believer in healthy living. One of the questions I always receive is how can I eat better on a budget? Sometimes it truly feels like organic food is unattainable due to store supplies and price. That is why I am thrilled to see one of my favorite brands, Stonyfield, making strides to get organic to everyone.
Stonyfield is making organic accessible at Walmart.
Stonyfield believes that everyone deserves access to healthy food. And now consumers can fin Stonyfield organic yogurt in more Walmart stores than ever before!
I love that the Smooth & Creamy yogurt is under $1!
We are just digging out from Storm Jonas here in the DC area, so the shelves have have been picked almost clean, but I was able to pick up some of our favorites.
Some of my other tips for eating well on a budget:
- Coupons: check out your favorite brand's websites like Stonyfield's to search for coupons
- Shop Store Brand organics.
- Buy in bulk. Costco, Sam's Club, and BJs offer a variety of organic and/or non-gmo selections. I split my membership with a friend to save even more!
- Shop in season for fresh produce
- local CSA or farmers are another great way to save money and also support local businesses.
Whether you are a veteran on the healthy living journey or just starting out, I think we can all appreciate saving money. I am excited to see Stonyfield available in stores like Walmart, so more and more people will have access to organic.
If you made a resolution or commitment to eating better start by picking up Stonyfield organic yogurts today!
I am a Stonyfield Blogger. All opinions are my own.
Yummy!! I am a huge fan of organic yogurt and now that we can get it cheaper I am all in.
Walmart carries some of the best products!
I love Stonyfield yogurt for both me and my kids. That’s great that it’s available at Walmart.
I love the Walmart is adding healthier choices and products. It is becoming a one stop shop.
We are big fans of Stonyfield. I will be sure to grab some the next time I am at Walmart!
Wow…wonder if they will do this in Canada. I do buy it now at the grocery store.
YUM!! I am started to buy more organic items as they are healthier. So happy to see Walmart and Stonyfield teaming up.
It is easy since Walmart is right up the road! I haven’t tried this yogurt, but if it is a good price, I will!
That is awesome news. I love Stonyfield yogurt but used to have to pick it up at the commissary. Now I can get it at Walmart when I want to. Yay!
Having organic options easily accessible is really great. Yogurt makes for a wonderful breakfast option and snack.
I know, right – it so fun to see organics more now – I had noticed that Sam’s Club was carrying organic foods before Costco (so figured Walmart had to also) – I eat Sheep’s Yogurt (more macrobiotics and less sugar for me) – I’ll have to find out, just in case, they might carry some!
Walmart has many organic options which is so nice! Stoneyfield is a great company with heart. Love that.
Healthy food should be available everywhere. It’s great to hear that Stonyfield is available at Walmart for that price.
I love that Walmart is finally starting to make a real effort to increase organic offerings to consumers. This is another one I will be purchasing.
We buy Stonyfield almost every week for our breakfasts. Great organic options.
YAY for organic. We have slowly been switching out and feeling a lot better for it. Nice to see it available in more places.
I love having yogurt for breakfast! We don’t have that brand here but I’ll look for it the next I shop over the border.
My kids love the Yo Kids squeezers. Stoneyfield is a great product too and honestly I am not a big yogurt fan but they have the best flavors and even i eat them
I have a friend who searched high and low for the Stonyfield. She only likes the whole milk version, not low fat, so it’s harder for her to find than the other versions. She’s even picked up the kids size to get the kind she likes, lol. Then she saw the huge tubs at Walmart. She was a very happy camper. ๐
It is a good thng that organic and healthy foods are being made available at more and more retailers across the country.
My kids love yogurt so we are constantly filling up on more. Having a healthy option available especially where we always shop makes it possible to make good decisions for our family.
This has been a long time coming. I am glad they finally did this. It is a great brand. We will have to get some next time we are there.