Ron Howard and crew did not disappoint with Solo. It was an awesome, fun ride from start to finish. We finally got to see the infamous Sabaac game, the Kessel Run, and learn just what made New Hope Han, Han. Not only did I enjoy the film (worried about Solo? Don't be), but I loved keeping my eyes and ears open for Easter Eggs. I have over 25 that I spotted. Did you miss these- Solo A Star Wars Story Easter Eggs?
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
1. Lucky Dice
Han's dice have always hung in the Falcon until Luke takes them to give to Leia at the end of The Last Jedi. Ron didn't forget about them for Solo. The dice show up almost immediately as Han races through the streets of Corellia with a stolen speeder.
2. Flyboy
Rio calls Han a flyboy, something we have all heard him called as well.
3. Han's Corellian Disguise
The hat and cloak he throws on to escape notice in Corellia reminded me of Benicio Del Toro's DJ in The Last Jedi.
4. Punch It
Was your favorite moment when Chewie took is rightful place as Han's co-pilot? I know we all cheered.
5. Let The Wookie Win because otherwise..
In a New Hope during a game of Dejarik, Han warns C3-PO to let the Wookie win. When he protests Han replies
“That’s cause a droid don’t pull people’s arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.” In Solo, we see that Han has seen first hand the raw power of an angry Wookie, when Chewie rips the arms off of one of the slavers at the mine.
6. Dejarik
Speaking of the game, it shows up in Solo, with Beckett trying to teach Chewie how to play. It also serves as a lesson to Han, with a side of foreshadowing, that you should always be thinking several steps ahead of your opponent, anticipate their moves, and above all to remember people are predictable.
7. Han's Blaster
Han's unique blaster was a gift from Tobias when he joined the crew.
8. Scariff
Scariff got a mention in the movie as a possible place for a job. Scariff is the planet where the rebels in Rogue One steal the plans for the Death Star.
9. Sabacc
Ah, the infamous game of Sabacc. We knew Han won the Falcon from Lando in a game of Sabacc. Land has insisted it wasn't a fair game and we know why now. Although I would argue Lando doth protest too much. Someone wasn't being fair that's for sure!
10. “I hate you.” “I know.”
This was my daughter's favorite Easter Egg. Han just knows how people feel about him, so it doesn't really surprise him. Love him or hate him, he knows.
11. Lando and Sharu
At one point during the Kessel scene, Lando is busy making his own space vlog. He mentions the Sharu which is a nod to the first book in the Lando Calrissian Adventures: Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu.
After Lando won the Millennium Falcon, he journeyed to the Rafa System, home of the Sharu, in search of life crystals and anything else he can sell for credits. Maybe we will see more of Lando's chronicles when the rumored Lando movie makes its debut.
12. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
In every Star Wars film, someone says they have a bad feeling about this. Turn out before the events of Solo, Han was a more positive guy. He says “I have a good feeling about this.”
13. “Piece of Junk”
The poor Falcon. It has been called a lot of names, mostly garbage and a piece of junk. As they follow Lando to his ship, Han mutters that the ship will probably be a piece of junk.
14. Antenna Broken
In Return of the Jedi, the Falcon's antenna is broken off and was eventually replaced. Turns out that wasn't the first time the Falcon lost it. During the flight from Kessel, it gets knocked off for the first time.
15. Millennium Falcon Distinctive Shape
When the new images of the Millennium Falcon were released we all noticed the familiar notch was missing. Turns out there use to be an escape pod there. Han sent it off to distract the monster inside the maelstrom. And I guess during all his adventuring, forgot to replace it.
16. Tobias' Mining Disguise
Matches Lando's in Return of the Jedi, when he sneaks into Hutt's palace to save Han.
17. Star Wars Cameos
Warwick Davis
Warwick Davis has played several Star Wars characters. He reprises his role as Weazel, in this film. an arms dealer who appeared in The Phantom Menace.
Anthony Daniels
Tak is a human slave on Kessel. You can see him when he shouts for the Wookies to come “this way!”
18. Tatooine and a Big Shot Gangster
The trailers were cut in a way that Dryden seemed like the big shot gangster Beckett kept referring to. Turns out, he was actually telling Han about the ultimate job with everyone's least favorite slug- Jabba the Hutt. At the end of Solo, Han and Chewie are headed to Tatooine to join this gangsters crew.
19. Enfys Nest, Cloud-Riders, and Swoop Bikes
Enfys Nest, the Cloud-Riders' Swoop Bikes all hail from the original Star Wars canon. In Solo, Enfys turns out to be a teenage girl, who is helping to seed The Rebellion. Rumor has it she is signed on for 2 more films, maybe she will show up in Bobba Fett or Enfys Nest might get her own origin film.
The Cloud Riders also include Benthic Two-Tubes, a Tognathian who was part of Saw Gerrera's crew in Rogue One.
20. Kessel Run
Turns out if you round down, you can make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. We see Han already touting his amazing race to the first life forms he meets.
21. Darth Maul
Fan-favorite Darth Maul turned out to be the leader of Crimson Dawn. And in retrospect, the symbol of Crimson Dawn burned into Qi'Ra's arm is Maul's saber design. Light bulb moment!
22. Dathomir
Maul tells Qi'Ra to join him on Dathomir, his home. I don't think this is the last we will see of Maul and Qi'Ra. Perhaps he is recruiting her to his Shadow Collective.
23. Qi'Ra
Pronounced Kira, was the original name for Rey. The rumors are strong that Qi'Ra could be Rey's mother, with even Han being her father. Not during the time period of this film but later. Han and Qi'Ra might meet back up, Carrie Fisher always said Han was a wanderer and their marriage included breaks. It might also explain the immediate paternal love Han seemed to feel for Rey.
24. The Black Spires
Months ago I read that Solo would tie-in to the new Star Wars Galaxy Edge at Disney Parks. Now we know what they meant. Disney parks revealed the name for the outpost would be Black Spire Outpost. The Black Spires exist on the planet Batuu and have never been seen in the Star Wars Universe until now.
L3-37 touting her own navigational brilliance, mocks Lando's lack of being able to find even Black Spires by himself.
25. The Crystal Skull
Inside Dryden's office are quite a few knickknacks, and if you thought something might be an Easter Egg in there you were right. The Crystal Skull seen is not a nod to Indiana Jones, but is actually from the cover of the book Han Solo And The Lost Legacy.
26. Teras Kasi
When Qi'Ra takes down the mine director she tells L3 she was using Teras Kasi. Teras Kasi is the name of a martial art, first mentioned in the Legends novel Shadows of the Empire.
27. The Pike Sisters
Val unimpressed with Han and Chewie joining their crew, mentions they would be better of with the Zan Sisters. Likely, she is referring to Zan and Zu Pike, The Pike Sisters, who also happen to be masters of Teras Kasi.
28. Han Shot First
Solo: A Star Wars Story is in theaters now!
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Ha! I love finding Easter Eggs in movies! I haven’t seen this movie yet and I am not so sure I will or can because honestly, I love Harrison Ford as Solo and Solo alone!
One of my sons favorite things to do in the movie is find all the Easter eggs! He will point them out to me as each one comes through. It’s fun for them and I think it’s cool.
Love it! My son is getting very anxious because we haven’t gotten to the theater yet lol.
This is so much fun! We haven’t been to the theater to see it yet but are planning a date night soon!
Ahh! I’m very excited for the movie, but I did skip through when I saw there was a spoiler. I don’t even watch the preview because I don’t want anything given away. lol
I love that you can search for these eggs. That sounds like a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see this movie too.
I haven’t had the chance to see the movie but I appreciate the easter eggs! I think it’s a fun movie to see, people have been enjoying it and it’s definitely something that I wouldn’t want to miss! Just been a little busy with life lately.
I am so far behind in my star wars movies. this is sort of like trying to read a foreign language.
Oh! I can’t wait to see Solo. Even more, now that I know what to look for but I think I could have gotten at least half of these.
I really need to get out and go see this one. This has me so giddy!
My husband is excited to see this movie. I’m sure it’s just as great as prior ones. I just wish I could remember them without re watching…I’m one of those messed up by the timelines lol
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it’s fun to know about these little gems hidden in the film. I am not a huge Star Wars fan but it adds an extra element of fun to any movie.
I had no idea this was a thing! Now I have to watch the movie and see them for myself.