In The Bad Batch episode 15, Clone Force 99 is reeling after Hunter was captured by the Empire on Daro. It's up to the crew to save Hunter but that involves facing off against their old friend Crosshair. Meanwhile the Empire puts its plans for the Kaminoans into action. Let's get into “Return to Kamino” with this Bad Batch episode 15 easter eggs and breakdown.
This is your spoiler warning if you haven't watched episode 15 of The Bad Batch.
The Bad Batch Episode 15 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
Crosshair takes Hunter comm to lure the Batch into a trap. Hunter tells him they will know that's what it is but Crosshair knows they will still come for him anyways.
Clone Force 99 is back on Mantell. Omega is anxious to rescue Hunter but their ship needs to be repaired first. Once systems are online they receive Hunter's signal, telling them he is now on Kamino. Gregor is left behind with Cid as they leave on their most important mission of all.
Admiral Rampart realizes Crosshair's intentions with Clone Force 99 could mean disaster if he turns on the Empire. However he has a plan to get rid of all of them.
Knowing it's a trap, they decide to head towards a landing pad Omega told them about in Tipoca City, the capital of Kamino. She assures them there won't be any troopers there.
To get to the city from this secret landing lap, they use a tube system. This system is not on any schematic Tech can see. Omega reveals it leads to Nala Se's secret lab while the rest of the tubes go to other parts of the city.
Hunter realizes that the facility on Kamino is being decommissioned. Crosshair doesn't care as he thinks he is a clone that matters to the Empire. He also seems bitter that the Batch left him behind. When Hunter says he didn't have a choice after Crosshair's actions, he replies “And I did?” Meaning, Crosshair knows about the inhibitor chip.
Omega and Clone Force 99 were created in Nala Se's secret lab. Another startling revelation is that apparently, Omega was there when the Batch was created. That means Omega is older than the others chronologically. We know that the clones were designed to grow and mature at a faster than normal rate. Omega however was not.
Omega's droid friend from Episode 1 AZI is hiding out in the lab. He tells them that soldiers were deactivating droids and forcing key medical staff onto transports. Any who resisted were eliminated.
Crosshair is waiting for his old friends in the training room. It's a trap. Echo sends Omega the signal to flee. She refuses and instead comes up with a plan to help them using the training droids.
Hunter tries to reason with Crosshair and vice versa. Crosshair wants Hunter and the others to join him and fight for the Empire. Hunter refuses.
In another callback to episode 1, Clone Force 99 is united against the droids in the training room.
Admiral Rampart's plan is to pull all remaining forces out and destroy Kamino with the clones on it.
Crosshair confirms his inhibitor chip was removed. He is acting of his own free will.
As Tech warns that Venators aka Star Destroyers are descending on the city, Hunter makes the decision to take Crosshair with them.
The episode ends with the destruction of Kamino and without showing how and if the Batch made it off. Given that they are getting a season 2, we thankfully know they escaped!
The Bad Batch is now streaming on Disney+.
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