Week 3 of the #TMPlanks challenge has started and it is getting hard! My tolerance for planks before this was 1 minute tops. Today I did 1.5! Might not sound like a huge increase but for me it is. Tomorrow is 2mins dun dun duuunnnnn. My only concern is when I hold a plank for longer than a minute it feels like my lower back is being pulled apart. I am holding the plank properly (my friend who is a physical therapist and body guru showed me how years ago) so I know that is not it. Any ideas? It hurts while holding the plank but afterwards it goes back to feeling normal. I just don't want to screw up something in my back because that's where I have chronic pain and issues anyways.
Get in on the challenge, if holding a 1minute plank is out of your league that's ok! Just hold it as long as you can ๐
This week on Mamavation TV we are talking about avoiding toxic foods with Andrea Donsky from Naturally Savvy. I am so excited about this topic. I am always looking to learn more about food labels and ingredients. And from what I've heard Andrea is amazing! Check out the show here: Google +
I wanted to say a big CONGRATS to all the new Mamavation Moms! I can't wait to go on this journey with you all!
After I finish the TMPlanks challenge what other fitness challenges would you recommend? The only thing I couldn't do is anything with a lot of squats or burpees. Gotta love joint issues!
Pam Gordon
Good luck with your plank challenge. My lower back always bothers with planks, too…. I always assumed it was because I was working those muscles. ๐
I hope it’s just working those muscles and not pulling something!! lol
April Ockerman
Great job on holding the planks as long as you have. I need to jump back in to the challenge!
thanks April! It’s never too late to join in ๐