My legs hate me. Why you ask? Because this girl was crazy enough to do Zumba 3 days last week. That is above my normal quota and my body has been on protest all weekend. I was trying to cram in my exercise last week, since this week I will only be able to go 1 time. I will be heading to my first EVER blogging conference on Wednesday. I am so excited and nervous!
Water intake the past week was not exceptional or even close to what I wanted it to be. I have no valid excuse for this, I just dislike drinking water, when I am at home at least! I do have to say that I am proud of myself for not stress eating or snacking. There has been a lot of things thrown at me the past few weeks. The hardest part for me has been trying to not react the way my gut wants to which then turns into eat some chocolate….ever been there? So I'm fighting the urges, I don't always win but I certainly have not gone face down in it either.
Over the weekend I had a Kashi tasting party at my house. It was a great time to see some good friends, the kids enjoyed playing, and I had the opportunity to share my love for organic food and why it is so important to me. Look for a post about that coming later this week. In the fight to get GMOs labeled and awareness raised it is important that we all talk about them whenever the situation arises. Word of mouth ladies and gents word of mouth!
Any advice for a first time blog conference attendee?
*This post is sponsored by Beanitos and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention &weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway
Pam Gordon
Kashi tasting party sounds fun!!! enjoy the conference, I’ve never been to one 🙂
I have no advice for the conference, but I can’t wait to hear what you have to say once you go. I need to find a conference around me!
Julia Gibson
It was nice to meet you at Bloggy Con. Following you and would love a follow back.