Destiny has arrived and you do not want to be left behind. Run. Do not walk. You have to be in your seat for opening day of Infinity War. Because, wow. I laughed, I cried, I might even have cursed a bit under my breath. I definitely held hands with my friend at several points. I promise this is a spoiler-free Avengers Infinity War review, after all, Thanos demands our silence.
10 Years in the making and Infinity War does not disappoint.
Infinity War was amazing and it does not let up, from start to post credit finish. I left the theater feeling excited, anxious, sad, and just stunned. I think I finally started breathing normally again about 12 hours later. But wow, just wow.
I had very high expectations for this film and Marvel Studios brought something to the screen that went above and beyond what I wanted. There is so much to chew on it might take you awhile to process it. I highly recommend talking to one of your best nerdy friends about it. That's what I did and it helped us both sort through what is happening in our beloved MCU.
Thanos has been looking in the background and post credit scenes for a long time and he finally steps onto Earth and hell comes with him. His goal is to wipe out half the universe's population with a snap of his finger. To do that he needs all of the Infinity Stones. Like I pointed out in Chant, he has almost the whole collection when he makes it to Wakanda. Does he succeed in what he came to do? I don't think it's a spoiler to say death follows in Thanos' wake. After all, there would be no need for Avengers 4 if everything wrapped up nice and neat in this one.
Infinity War bringing the laughs
Boy do we need them. Marvel always has done a great job at balancing the need for the dramatic with sprinkles of lighter, funnier moments. I laughed watching the Guardians meet Thor, the God-Man, as Drax so eloquently calls him.
The interactions between characters meeting for the first time are priceless. You really feel like they have never met and the contrast personalities really shine. Bruce Banner might have my favorite funny line in the movie but I'll have to report back after I see it again.
Infinity War: 3 movies in one
As we move through Infinity War, we are taken to different areas of Earth and the Cosmos. The lighting and production style feel slightly different for each story arc, but similar all at the same time. It really is a credit to the Russo brothers and the entire team at Marvel Studios. To have everything feel unique enough all while moving towards the central plot and the ultimate fight in Act 3 of the movie.
Comic Book Tie-Ins
I've kinda stressed this before and after watching Infinity War, there are definite nuances and levity that might be missed if you do not know a little back story. Can you watch Infinity War and enjoy it if you aren't into the comics? Yes, definitely. But I think you will get a little more out of it if you do some research. Hands down you gotta read Infinity and Infinity Gauntlet. This will give you the most info when it comes to the actual powers of the Infinity Stones, The Black Order, and Thanos himself. He is more complicated than meets the eye. But aren't most Marvel villains?
If you are bucking me on this or like my husband, saying you don't have time to read all of that, at least read Everything You Need to Know Before Avengers Infinity War. That will refresh your memory on each stone, its last known location, and what kind of power it yields.
Kid Friendly?
If you have had reservations in the past with Marvel Studios films, I would go see this first without your children. There is some language, think Thor Ragnarok, but more than that Infinity War is heavy. There are emotionally deep scenes, a lot of fighting, and seeing some of their favorite heroes getting dealt heavy blows might be a bit much for the younger viewers.
Tech, Weapons, Skills, and Smarts
Our heroes aren't facing Thanos without some pretty sweet tech and weapons in their possession. Thor's new axe/hammer combo, Tony's Prime Suit (or a similar version), the Iron Spider, Cap's new Wakanda Shields, Bucky's new arm, the Hulkbuster, yes!
My girl Shuri shows these boys whats up. I was waiting for her to shine her intelligence on everyone and she did. Loved it. Also loved watching Okoye, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch kick butt and take names throughout the movie. Get 'em girls!
Post Credit Scene
There is only one post credit scene in Infinity War and it happens at the very end of the credits. So please for the love of Marvel, do not leave the theater until they turn the lights back on.
Stan Lee Cameo
He's easy enough to spot with a perfect one-liner. Love you Stan Lee!
Final Thoughts
Avengers Infinity War was EPIC from start to finish. As much as I am feeling all kinds of things from this movie, I can't discredit the fact it was amazing. It makes me excited for Avengers 4 and what the future holds for the MCU in the next 5 to 10 years. And like my friend Jana of WhiskynSunshine said, I think I'm going to need something to help me sleep for the next year. Because dang it Marvel, you've done it to me again. You can read her post here.
Get your tickets now if you haven't already. And after you watch it once, see it again. Because trust me, it's going to take more than one viewing to really study everything that happens in this film.
Avengers Infinity War is in theaters April 27th 2018!
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For more Avengers: Infinity War
Infinity War “Chant” Breakdown
6 Comics to Read Before Avengers Infinity War
Breaking Down The New Infinity War Trailer
Breaking Down the Big Game Avengers Infinity War TV Spot
This movie sounds interesting! I haven’t seen the other movies, but my boys have and I’m sure they are going to want to see this as well! I’m going to share the trailer with them! Thanks for sharing that!
I’m going!! This weekend!! Tickets are already paid for…seats picked out! I can’t wait. All of my favorite characters in one movie…ahh. I LOVE Drax-he is my FAVE FAVE FAVE. I can’t wait…oh I already said that 🙂
My kids are going to love this movie. We’ve seen all of the Avenger movies so far. I don’t think we are going this weekend, but we’ll probably see it before it leaves theatres.
I’m so glad to hear that you like it! I’m planning on seeing it this weekend and by the sounds of it, I won’t be disappointed!
I cannot wait to see Infinity War, it looks like Marvel has really gone and done it again. I am thankful for a spoiler free review of the film too.
Thank you for not giving out spoilers!
I am a total geek and marval fan girl so you better believe I am ready to see this movie!
Its going to be EPIC!
Oh my gosh, I really cannot wait to see this movie! My kids are busy this week but we will for sure see it this weekend!
My husband and girls can’t wait to watch this movie. It’s not one of those things I’m super excited about, but I’m sure it will be great!
Thank YOU so much for not including any spoilers. We bought our tickets and the kids are so excited to see this movie. We had to snag the tickets as I heard they were selling out fast and I didn’t want the kids to be disappointed.
This sounds great for those who really love super hero movies. My brother is a huge fan!
I am so excited to see this film! Thank you for a spoiler-free review, this makes me so happy!
Dang!! I NEVER would have guessed there would be so much to these movies! This is something that my son-in-law would like, I’ll have to ask if knows anything about this movie. Great review, I love how you did it without spoiling the end.
The cast in this film is just crazy. We definitely want to see it in the theaters for a fun date night. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – just added to the excitement for this weekend!
I am seeing so much about this movie all over the place! I’m usually not much of a fan but I am actually looking forward to checking this one out!