This time last year I was the healthy, working out queen. I was in the gym 2-3 days a week, running 3 days a week, and my eating habits were stellar. Then I ran my first 5k and afterwards the running slacked off. I made the rookie mistake of not signing up for more races. Since I'm not prone to be a runner, it was something I had to be motivated to do. I was down to only 2 days a week in the gym without any running. But I pushed through and was still eating right. The came October and our trip to Disney World. We ate healthy and walked a lot, once we were back though I slacked off from the gym. I thought it was recovering from the magic but it was laziness. Pair all that with snow days and holidays and being “busy” and my workout queen status slipped to court jester.
Enough is enough.
Reforming healthy fitness habits is not easy. A few weeks ago I committed to myself and to you that all that was going to change. We had more snow days and my husband was traveling so that delayed my start. Last week I finally got off my butt, put the excuses to the side, and did what I was determined to do: Two gym classes attended and three days of running with weights. Despite going out of town this week for my birthday celebration, I will get my 2 classes and 3 runs in ( or no celebratory wine!). Healthy habits can take a few weeks to form but once you push through the mental roadblocks, it will become easier and easier to keep yourself on track.
I had forgotten how great you feel after working out consistently. My mood was good, it helped me manage crazy stress levels, and I didn't hate clothes shopping. That endorphin release is one of my favorite things about being active aside form the toning up and losing weight! When I feel like this after working out it makes me wonder why I ever stopped. Someone promise to remind me of this if I start complaining I don't have time to workout again!
Next goal: get back to drinking more water!
What is your favorite side effect of working out?
Anjanette @MommaYoung
My fitness definitely needs some reforming. I usually get started and there is a set back then I have to get going all over again…
2 years ago, when I lost nearly 50 lbs all went to heck after I got back from vacation. I don’t know what it is about getting off schedule that just screws everything up!
I agree – enough is enough! Today is a new start for me, back to ‘cleaner’ eating and making sure I work out a few times a week!
angela johnson
Reforming Healthy Fitness Habits is not easy, I agree. So many excuses disguising laziness. I am the number one excuse maker ๐
I’m going to have to agree that the lowered stress is a big deal for me. That, and I love how my body starts to change — since running, I’m starting to find muscles in my legs again. ๐
Michelle F.
Good for you! I have been on a weight loss journey since mid January and it does get easier.
I love the fact that I get tired and actually sleep. Good luck on keeping active
I really need to reform my habits after peanut is born. I was doing good until I got pregnant, then I became lazy… I did love how I had more energy when I was working out.
Pam Gordon
You got this!!!!!!!!
Great post
It can be so easy to use our schedules, challenges, or whatever to mask our laziness. We all do it. The fact that you recognized it, and called yourself on it, proves that you can conquer it. You can do this!
Kristin @littlemamajama
The mental roadblocks are sometimes the toughest. Great post, and great job getting back at it!
Candy @ Candypolooza
Getting out to the gym or starting the workout is half the battle for me. I love how I feel afterwards just hate getting there. It’s a battle that’s for sure!
Thanks for the reminder to get off my butt and just start!